Attorneys Active In Their Communities

The attorneys at Best, Heyns & Schroeder P.C. are committed to achieving three important objectives for our clients: provide the highest quality legal advice, aggressively and professionally represent their interests, and assist in their goals as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. Our practice has thrived in Jackson because of our skilled litigators, our experience and our commitment to our community. You may not need legal service frequently, but when a legal problem does arise, we are here.

Our attorneys understand the stress and expense of dealing with legal issues. We will stand by your side and support you through your legal journey, seeking resolutions that are favorable, efficient and cost-effective.

Legal Services For Businesses, Insurers And Individuals

For 50 years, we have provided legal services to clients in Jackson and throughout Michigan. Our attorneys practice in both state and federal courts as well as the Michigan Court of Appeals and the Michigan Supreme Court. We have developed long-standing partnerships with business owners and insurance companies across Michigan, but we are also proud to serve individuals seek help with a variety of legal matters.

Mediation, Collaborative Law And Litigation Services

Taking a claim to court is almost never in anyone’s best interests. Court cases are time-consuming, expensive and risky for everyone involved. At Best, Heyns & Schroeder P.C., we have extensive experience in mediation and collaborative law. By taking the dispute outside of the courtroom, it reduces the amount of conflict and puts more power in your hands to reach an agreement. These forms of alternative dispute resolution are designed to bring about amicable win-win solutions that both sides can agree with.

Contact Best, Heyns & Schroeder P.C. Today

For legal assistance in any of our practice areas, schedule a consultation by calling 517-787-2620 or filling out our online contact form.